State of interaction. These art works are created in response to the variations of external events, to the data of the present, and to nature fluctuations.

Breaking through boundaries, amplifying sensations, creating alliances with unexplored sectors: these are the tenets of my work.

Light, shadow, and transparency are the key words of my work, and color is essential and ubiquitous.

The soul of a painting eerily resonates into photographs; some paintings are immaterial, luminous and airy intangibles.

There is a balancing act between the material and his colored aura which places these hybrid art pieces at the border between what is concrete and what is fluid.

During the Installations, these pieces work both independently and together as a unit and, instead of being objects of interpretation, they are the ones interpreting the space.

Light is also an important part of ephemeral constructions for events, emphasis is given to dynamic and evolutionary positioning, the work variable time as a Work in progress.

Nature feeds my work..
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