« Digital »
Computer art is omnipresent in the various expressions of my work, it is an integral part of the works, events and installations.
Today, it is essential to my research.
Click on the pictures to unveil!
La Vallée
"Evolving Paintings"
Light, Color, Sound.
An immersive exhibition.
“Evolving Paintings”, Works of contemporary abstract painting in a video installation.
Also, shown Augmented Realities.

These video paintings are combined to inhabit the space.
Center of Creation - La Vallée. Brussels. Belgium November 2023.
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Lights and Colors - Drops Videos 2021 - 2022

Videos "evolving paintings", of short duration, like drops of light and color.
Video "Drops - Phygital"

Phyigital installation: physical and digital. 12 3D paintings, 12 videos, 4 photos, 12 Augmented Realities and a Meta-Gallery.
Evolving Paintings, Light, Color, Sound.
These videos, evolving paintings, augmented realities and sculpture-paintings share the space.
BXL.ART-NFT-GALLERY. Gare Maritime, Tour et Taxi. Brussels, Belgium. May - June 2023.
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Video Installations - Immersion.

Video Installation: Evolving Paintings. Light, color, sound.
Explores natural light effects through computer Art and iPhone work.
Espace Commines. Paris. France. November 2022.
Digital paintings

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Video Installations - Lights and Colors.

Video Installation: Evolving Paintings. Light, color, sound.
Manor of Soisay. Le Perche. France. Summer 2022.
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"Drops 2020. Videos". Evolving Paintings Staged. 2020.

Close explorations of colorful and luminous compositions.
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Photo Paintings 20 to 22

Photo - Paintings. Digital.
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